“My Daily Dose” Packs & Supps

What is “My Daily Dose”

    • Supplements and medications are just one component of your health and wellness journey

    • Adherence tools, like pill boxes and dose packs, can make life a lot easier as you seek to be consistent with your health regimens

    • Check out our professional grade supplements and various adherence options below to help you on this wellness journey

    • Dose packs are a great way to stay consistent with your medication and supplement regimens

    • Consistency has been shown to lead to improved health outcomes over time

    • Condition Specific AND Custom Packs Available

      • Thoroughly researched condition specific dose packs, such as packs for PMS, beauty, energy, sleep, etc.

      • You can customize a dose pack with supplements and/or prescription medications

    • If you would like a custom pack or to combine with your prescription medications, please book a wellness consult, My Pill Plan

    • High-quality, professional-grade supplements available as individual bottles and/or packs

    • Designed to optimize health and wellness for specific needs

    • Backed by scientific research and evidence-based formulas

    • Third-party tested for quality, potency, and purity

    • Free of fillers and common allergens

    • If you book My Pill Plan, Kristi will meet with you 1-1 to discuss your health journey and give you functional recommendations.

My Daily Dose

My Packs

  • High-quality, professional-grade supplement regimens

  • Pre-packed into adherence packaging for your convenience

  • Enhance consistency to regimens and increase the likelihood of better health outcomes

  • If you would like a custom pack or to combine with your prescription medications, please book a wellness consult, My Pill Plan

My Supplements

  • High-quality, professional-grade supplements available as individual bottles and/or packs

  • Designed to optimize health and wellness for specific needs

  • Backed by scientific research and evidence-based formulas

  • Third-party tested for quality, potency, and purity

  • Free of fillers and common allergens

Functional Pharmacist 

Recommended Supplements & Packs

  • Quality: professional grade supplement protocols designed by experts you can trust

  • Convenience: can be packaged into daily dose packs to make it as easy as possible to be consistent with your regimen

Condition Specific AND Custom Packs Available

  • High-quality, professional-grade supplement regimens

  • Pre-packed into adherence packaging for your convenience

  • Enhance consistency to regimens and increase the likelikhood of better health outcomes

  • If you would like a custom pack or to combine with your prescription medications, please book a wellness consult, My Pill Plan

Book My Pill Plan 

if you are looking for supplement and medication education

or customized dose packs

  • "My Pill Plan"

    Wellness Consult
    60 minutes

    Virtual Meeting
    Link will be provided


Let us help you find the perfect blend of

“Crunchy” and “Conventional” Care

My Pill Plan

  • Education: Empower You with Crunchy & Conventional Knowledge

  • Optimization: Evaluate for Areas of Opportunity to Discuss with Doctor

  • Motivation: Encourage You With Family-Like Support & Accountability

My Daily Dose

  • Quality: Professional Grade Supplements Free of Fillers & Allergens

  • Efficacy: Thoroughly Researched Protocols

  • Adherence: Convenient & Customizable Dose Packs +/- Prescription Medications